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PileLAT Version 2.4 Release

We are pleased to announce that PileLAT Version 2.4 is released with the following improvements and updates:

Version 2.4 - July 2022

New Features:

  • Partial factors can be applied to soil strength and external loads in the PileLAT program as per the design requirements in Eurocode 7 (BS EN 1997). Different partial factors for various design approaches can be defined by the users and adopted in the analysis for any load cases. To define partial factors, the users need to ensure that the design approach checkbox from the option dialog box has been checked as shown in the figure below.

The dialog box for defining design approach is shown as below. The number of the rows depends on the number of the load cases defined. For each load case, the users can define the load type under the column of “Load Type”. There are four different load types in accordance with Eurocode 7 as below:

  1. Permanent unfavourable

  2. Permanent favourable

  3. Variable unfavourable

  4. Variable favourable

For each load case, the partial factors of soil strength and loads can be defined by clicking the push button of “Edit” under the column of “Edit Design Approach”. The dialog for partial factor input is shown in the figure below.

  • PileLAT analysis results can now be viewed in 3D space. All the analysis results such as deflection, rotation, bending moment, shear force, soil reaction, ultimate lateral resistance, soil spring and bending stiffness can be viewed in 3D from this dialog for each load case. The users can select the load case for result display by clicking the drop menu under “Load Case”. The different lateral result types can be selected by the users with clicking the radio buttons next to the result type.


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