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PileLAT Version 2.3.2 Release

We are pleased to announce that PileLAT Version 2.3.2 is released with the following improvements and updates:

Version 2.3.2 - February 2022

New Features:

  • The input of soil layer geometry in PileLAT has been improved in this version. The top and bottom levels of the soil layer can be defined by the users instead of the layer thickness value in the previous version. The soil layer color will also be displayed in the column next to the model name in the soil layer input dialog.

  • Strength reduction analysis (SRA) option is added to the program. With this option, PileLAT analysis will be repeated with different strength reduction factor (< 1.0) applied to the ultimate lateral resistance until no convergence can be found. The minimum strength reduction factor can be estimated by the program through multiple analyses by progressively reducing the ultimate lateral resistance. For limit state design, this analysis option can be used to check whether the lateral pile design complies with the geotechnical strength reduction requirements as specified by the relevant design standards, such as AS2159-2009.

  • Pushover analysis option is added to the program. With this option, PileLAT will repeat the runs with different load factor (> 1.0) applied to the loads at the pile head until no convergence can be found. The maximum load factor can be estimated by the program by progressively increasing the load factor.

  • Pile length variation analysis option is added to the program. With this option, the analysis is repeated by varying the pile length and the relationship of the maximum pile head deflection with pile length is presented in the graphical output. The effect of the pile length on the maximum pile head deflection can be therefore analyzed. This analysis option is very useful for estimating the pile length required for the design loading.

  • The input of p-y curve parameters for various soil/rock models is now improved with various selection dialogs for empirical parameters. This provides the users with better guidance for defining p-y curve parameters.

  • Plot style selection dialog is added to the output program to select the line color, line type, and line thickness for the result plots.


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