We are pleased to announce that PileLAT Version 2.3.1 is released with the following improvements and updates:
Version 2.3.1 - September 2021
Bug Fixes:
Saving the analysis file now correctly result in the update of the analysis file name with the full path at the title bar. In the previous version, the file name remains unchanged if the current analysis file is saved into a different file name.
The soil spring values are now correctly read from the existing analysis file. In the previous version, the soil spring values are zero after the existing analysis file is opened by the program. The users will need to re-run the analysis to obtain the soil spring values.

New Features:
A new menu item of "Check Updates" has been added under the "Help" main menu for the users to check the program update.

Soil reaction plot is now presented with the ultimate lateral resistance limits at both sides.

Analysis setting input is now defined by clicking "Analysis Setting" item under the "Analyze" main menu. This was done previously through the third tab dialog - "Setting" tab dialog.

Minor documentation amendments and improvements have been made.
Version 2.3.0 - August 2021
New Features:
Program Interface:
A separate output window for various analysis result plots.
A right-click menu is included in the main graphic area of the program for various input operations.
A tree view dialog is included in the main program to display the summary of soil/rock materials, piles, and loads.
Tab dialog boxes are added to the main program for the pile section, pile head loads, and analysis control setting input.
The material model dialog to store all the input p-y curve models.

A separate dialog to define the soil layer by selecting the p-y curve model from the stored material sets. The groundwater table can also be defined by the users.
A new p-y curve testing dialog for the users to preview the p-y curves of the input materials within the material set input dialog.
A new table-form input dialog for pile head loads.
New p-y curve models:
Cemented c-phi soil (silt) - Reese et al. (1974).
Weak carbonate rock - Abbs (1983).
Calcareous soil - Dyson and Randolph (2001).
Calcareous soil - Novello (1999).
User-defined p-y curve model.
New loading conditions:
Distributed lateral load and/or bending moment at any points along the pile length.
Horizontal line loads between any two points along the pile length.
Distributed lateral free-field displacement loads at any points along the pile length.
Vertical surcharge loads at the top of any soil layers.
Multiple pile head load cases can be considered by the program.

Analysis results lock and unlock function:
The analysis results can be locked by the program once the analysis run is successful. This prevents the users from accidentally changing the inputs. The input parameters can only be modified when the analysis results are unlocked.
Automatic mesh function:
The program now supports automatic mesh function which can generate non-uniform pile elements with varying sizes based on the soil layer boundaries.

Support of imported CPT data:
Multiple CPT data sets can be imported into the program and used in the analysis through CPT Manager.

PileLAT Output Program:
A new output program is added to view all the analysis results. All the plots are presented graphically along the pile length with the soil layer geometry.

Output report generator:
A built-in report generator is added in the PileLAT output program to generate the calculation report which includes all the input parameters and output results.
