We are pleased to announce that PileGroup Version 2.3 is released in September 2021 with the following improvements and updates compared to the previous version:
Version 2.3 - September 2021
New Features:
Program Interface:

Tab dialog boxes are added to the main program for the pile section and pile group layout input.
A right-click menu is included in the main graphic area of the program for various input operations.
More toolbar buttons are added to display the summary of p-y curve models, piles, loads, and calculation report generator.
Improvements on the function of copying the results from the main graphics.
A tree view dialog is included in the main program to display the summary of soil/rock materials, piles, and loads.
A new item has been added under the "Help" main menu for the users to check the program update.
Minor documentation amendments and improvements have been made.
Pile Group Layout Input:
The pile group layout (pile positions, lengths, and section types) can be input through a new table-style format.
The maximum pile number within the pile group is increased to 500.
The pile group layout (pile positions, lengths, and section types) can be input through a new pile layout wizard dialog where the row numbers and the pile spacings in both directions (X and Y) can be specified by the users for the rectangular pile group layout. This option is useful to the large pile groups with regular pile spacing.
The circular pile group layout can be specified by the users through a new wizard input dialog where the row numbers and the pile spacing in both radial and tangential directions can be specified by the users.

Pile head conditions:
Different connection types (rigid, pinned, or rotationally restrained) between the pile cap and pile heads can be specified for different piles within the pile group. The previous version only allows for the same connection type for all pile heads.

Analysis results lock and unlock function:
The analysis results can be locked by the program once the analysis run is successful. This prevents the users from accidentally changing the inputs. The input parameters can only be modified when the analysis results are unlocked.

Pile group loading input:
The external loading on the top of the pile cap can be input by the users through a table-style format. Clicking the "enter" button during the loading input will save the load inputs.
The various input loads on the top of the pile cap (point loads or moments) at different locations can be displayed in a 3D model.

3D display functions:
More 3D viewing options such as top view, side view, and front view are added to the program.
Two more buttons of "Pan" and "Rotate" are included in the program (on the right toolbar) for the users to pan (move vertically or horizontally) or rotate the 3D model.
The axial force distribution results along the piles are included in the output results.

Output report generator:
A built-in report generator is added in the PileGroup output program to generate the calculation report which includes all the input parameters and output results.
