We are pleased to announce that PileAXL 2.4 is released with the following key improvements and updates:
Version 2.4 - January 2023
New Features:
Program Interface:
A new user interface window for analysis inputs such as pile sections, soil layers and etc.

A tree view dialog is included in the main program to display the summary of soil/rock materials, piles, and T-Z Curve and Q-Z Curve models.
A new tab dialog box is added to the main program for the pile section input.
A new dialog is included for defining pile section parameters.
The material model dialog is used to store all the axial capacity models.

A new dialog is included to define the soil layer by selecting the axial capacity models from the stored material sets. The groundwater table can also be defined by the users.
A new dialog is included for the selection of T-Z Curve models and Q-Z curve models from the wide range of built-in methods.
A new dialog is included for users to input user-defined T-Z Curve and Q-Z Curve models.
CPT Manager Tool is included to use multiple CPT profiles which can be used in the pile axial capacity analysis.
A new dialog is included to define the CPT data analysis parameters and LCPC CPT method parameters.
Multiple piles with different sections can be defined within the program.
Project option dialog is updated to include more analysis options.
Drained or undrained conditions can be defined at the pile toe for ICP clay method.
A new dialog is provided to select the pile lengths used in the pile settlement analysis. A maximum number of 10 pile lengths can be selected.
New dialogs are provided for pile design code inputs such as AASHTO, Eurocode, Australian Standard and the traditional working load approach.
A new dialog is provided for end bearing smoothing for layered soil profiles.
The dialog for display option is updated to provide the plot settings for CPT records.
A new dialog is included for T-Z curve information along the pile length.
A new dialog is included for Q-Z curve information along the pile length.
A new dialog is included for axial force distribution plots.
A new dialog is included for load settlement curves.
A new dialog is included for axial capacity analysis results of multiple piles.
A new dialog is included for multiple analysis results of the selected pile.
Comprehensive verification examples from the technical books, research report and technical papers are included into the program examples.
A new output window is included for analysis results presentation.
Analysis output text file is added.
Analysis output report generator is added.
New axial capacity models:
API COMM Clay (Driven Piles)
NGI Clay (Driven Piles)
Alpha Clay (Driven Piles)
API RP2GEO Sand (Driven Piles)
NGI Sand (Driven Piles)
User Clay (Driven Piles)
User Sand (Driven Piles)
LCPC CPT Method (Driven Piles and Bored Piles)
General Rock (Driven Piles)
Alpha Clay (Bored Piles)
User Clay (Bored Piles)
User Sand (Bored Piles)
UWA CPT Method (Bored Piles and CFA Piles)
Weathered Rock - Rowe and Armitage (Bored Piles)
Weathered Rock - Williams and Pells (Bored Piles)
Weathered Rock - Zhang and Einstein (Bored Piles)
Weathered Rock - Pells et al.
Weathered Rock - Kulhawy and Phoon

New input interface for pile design codes:
Working load design approach
Eurocode 7 - UK (DA1)
Eurocode 7 - (Others)
Australian Standard AS 2159 - 2009
Eurocode 7 - Singapore national Annex
Eurocode 7 - Malaysia National Annex

Analysis results lock and unlock function:
The analysis results can be locked by the program once the analysis run is successful. This prevents the users from accidentally changing the inputs. The input parameters can only be modified when the analysis results are unlocked.
Multiple pile lengths for settlement analysis:
The program allows for up to 10 different pile lengths for load settlement calculation within a single analysis run.

Full support of imported CPT data:
Multiple CPT data sets can be imported into the program and used in the analysis through CPT Manager. CPT-based methods such as ICP, UWA, Furgo and LCPC can be adopted for axial capacity calculation.

PileAXL Output Program:
A new output program is added to view all the analysis results. All the plots are presented graphically along the pile length with the soil layer geometry.

Axial capacity plots for multiple piles:
A new dialog is added to view the axial capacity result for multiple piles. The axial capacity plots are presented graphically along the pile length for multiple piles. Users can select multiple pile sections and specify an axial capacity plot item to view the results.

Multiple axial capacity plots for the selected pile:
A new dialog is added to view multiple axial capacity analysis results for the selected pile. All the plots are presented graphically along the pile length. Users can select multiple axial capacity plot items (shaft resistance only, end bearing resistance only, total axial resistance and etc. ) and specify a pile section to view the results.

Load settlement curves for varying pile lengths:
A new dialog is added to view the load settlement curves for multiple pile lengths. Users can select different pile lengths to view the load settlement curves.

Axial force distribution curves for varying pile lengths:
A new dialog is added to view the axial force distribution curves under the applied axial force at pile head. Users can select different pile lengths to view the results.

Output txt file and report generator:
An output txt file is created by the program to include all the detailed information about the analysis input parameters and output results.

A built-in report generator is added in the PileAXL output program to generate the calculation report which includes all the input parameters and output results.

A demo version of PileAXL program can be downloaded from the link below for evaluation purpose:
Please contact us at support@pilegroups.com for more information.