This blog explains how to import the CPT raw data into ALLCPT program as per the following simple steps:
Step 1: Select File >> Import CPT Data from the main menu of "File" when ALLCPT program is started.
Step 2: Select "Read data from text file (*.TXT)" from the dialog of "Select CPT file type to import the CPT Data" and then click the button of "Next".
Step 3: Select the CPT file and then click the "Open" button
A typical CPT data structure is shown in the figure below. The users will need to review the data structure to check the columns with the required data.
Step 4 - Select the column number for different CPT data types - Depth, qc, fs and u2 and the corresponding units according to the CPT raw data structure.
Step 5: Select the start of the line number to read the CPT Data. This is the first line of data which will be imported into the program.
Step 6: Click the "Import" button to import the CPT data into the program.
Step 7: The main CPT dialog will appear once the CPT data is successfully imported.
Detailed information for ALLCPT program can be found from the link here. A free version can be downloaded to evaluate various features provided by the program.